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decibels是什么意思 decibels的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-12-16 15:46:14
  • 512

decibels是什么意思 decibels的读音、翻译、用法


该词的发音为 /ˈdɛsəb(ə)lz/。


1. decibel scale:分贝刻度

2. decibel level:分贝级数

3. sound pressure level in decibels:声压级(分贝数)

4. decibel meter:分贝计

5. decibel range:分贝范围

6. decibel reading:分贝读数

7. decibel attenuation:分贝衰减


1. The noise level of the construction site was measured at 85 decibels. (该建筑工地的噪音水平为85分贝。)

2. The sound of a whisper is around 20 decibels. (耳语的声音约为20分贝。)

3. A normal conversation is around 60 decibels. (正常的交谈约为60分贝。)

4. The fire alarm reached 110 decibels. (火警报警器达到了110分贝。)

5. The maximum volume of the speakers was set to 90 decibels. (扬声器的最大音量设为90分贝。)

6. The noise from the traffic outside was measured at 70 decibels. (外面交通的噪音被测量为70分贝。)

7. The headphones have a noise cancellation feature that reduces background noise by 20 decibels. (这款耳机具有降噪功能,可将背景噪音降低20分贝。)


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