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exile akira是什么意思 exile akira的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-27 12:34:55
  • 59

exile akira是什么意思 exile akira的读音、翻译、用法

'exile akira' 不是一个单词,而是一个由两个单词组成的短语。

词义:'exile' 意为“流放,放逐”,'akira' 是一个人名。

词性:'exile' 是一个动词或名词,'akira' 是一个名字。

词组搭配:exile sb./sth. (to/from…) “流放某人/某物(到/离开……)”。

短语:'exile akira' 意为“流放阿基拉”。

发音拼写:/ˈɛksaɪl/ /əˈkɪrə/


1. After the failed rebellion, the king decided to exile the rebel leader to a deserted island. (在叛乱失败后,国王决定将叛军领袖流放到一座荒岛。)

2. The poet was forced into exile during the dictatorship. (这位诗人在时期。)

3. Akira was exiled from his homeland for political reasons. (阿基拉出于原因被流放出自己的祖国。)

4. The queen was exiling her enemies one by one. (女王正在一个一个地放逐自己的敌人。)

5. Akira's family was also forced to leave the country after his exile. (阿基拉的家人在他之后也离开了国家。)

6. The novel tells the story of a woman's exile and her search for a new home. (这本小说讲述了一位女性的和她寻找新家的故事。)

7. The rebels hoped to win enough support to prevent their leader's exile. (叛军希望获得足够的支持,以阻止他们的领袖被流放。)


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