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luire是什么意思 luire的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-07 14:42:50
  • 80

luire是什么意思 luire的读音、翻译、用法

'luire' 不是一个单词,可能是拼写错误或者缺失单词的一部分。因此,无法从词义、词性、词组搭配、短语、发音拼写等方面进行介绍。


1. Lure (n. / v.) 诱饵;引诱;诱惑

- Fishermen use different types of lures to catch fish. (渔民使用不同类型的诱饵来。)

- She was lured into a scheme by promises of quick and easy money. (她被的承诺所吸引。)

- He used his charm to lure her away from her husband. (他利用自己的魅力将她从丈夫身边引开了。)

2. Lawyer (n.) 律师

- The lawyer provided legal advice to the client. (律师向客户提供法律咨询。)

- She hired a lawyer to handle her divorce case. (她雇了一位律师处理她的离婚案件。)

3. Liar (n.) 撒谎者

- He's a compulsive liar and can't be trusted. (他是一个无法信任的强迫性撒谎者。)

- The witness was caught in a lie during cross-examination. (证人在交叉审问中被抓住了谎言。)

4. Lurk (v.) 潜藏;隐藏;埋伏

- The thief was lurking in the s, waiting for an opportunity to strike. (小偷潜藏在阴影中,等待着机会发动袭击。)

- Danger lurked around every corner in the dark alley. (在黑暗的小巷里,危险潜伏在每个角落。)

5. Luggage (n.) 行李

- I need to pack my luggage for the trip tomorrow. (我需要为明天的旅行打包行李。)

- The airport lost my luggage and I had to wait for two days to get it back. (弄丢了我的行李,我不得不等待两天才拿回来。)

6. Luxury (n.) 奢侈;奢华

- The hotel offers luxury accommodations and top-notch service. (这家酒店提供豪华住宿和一流的服务。)

- Many people cannot afford the luxury of traveling first class. (许多人负担不起坐头等舱旅行的奢侈费用。)

7. Lunar (adj.) 月亮的;阴历的

- The lunar module landed on the moon's suce in 1969. (1969年,月球着陆舱登陆了月球表面。)

- The lunar eclipse will occur next month. (下个月将发生月食。)


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