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cornhub是什么意思 cornhub的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-03 10:17:38
  • 166

cornhub是什么意思 cornhub的读音、翻译、用法



1. Corn is a staple food in many countries. 玉米是许多国家的主食。

2. I bought a bag of sweet corn from the farmer's market. 我从农夫市集上买了袋甜玉米。

3. Corn syrup is often used as a sweetener in processed foods. 玉米糖浆经常被用作加工食品的甜味剂。

4. The corn fields stretched out for miles along the highway. 玉米田沿着公路一路绵延数英里。

5. Popcorn is a popular snack at movie theaters. 爆米花是电影院的流行小吃。

6. She made a delicious corn chowder for dinner. 她为晚餐做了一道美味的玉米浓汤。

7. The farmers harvested the corn crop before the first frost. 农民在第一场霜降前收割了玉米作物。


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