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resonances是什么意思 resonances的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-03 07:16:41
  • 396

resonances是什么意思 resonances的读音、翻译、用法




- harmonic resonances(谐波共振)

- nuclear magnetic resonances(核磁共振)

- electron spin resonances(电子自旋共振)

- sound resonances(声波共鸣)

- emotional resonances(情感共鸣)

- cultural resonances(文化共鸣)

- political resonances(共鸣)




1. These harmonic resonances can be exploited in many applications, such as electronic filters and sensors.(这些谐波共振在许多应用中可以被利用,如电子滤波器和传感器。)

2. Nuclear magnetic resonances have revolutionized the field of medical imaging.(核磁共振技术已经彻底改变了医学成像领域。)

3. The electron spin resonances observed in the experiment provide important information for the study of materials.(实验中观测到的电子自旋共振现象为材料研究提供了重要信息。)

4. The sound resonances in the concert hall create a unique experience for music lovers.(音乐厅中的声波共鸣为音乐爱好者创造了独特的体验。)

5. The emotional resonances between the characters and the audience make the play more touching.(角色与观众之间的情感共鸣使得戏剧更加感人。)

6. The cultural resonances in the film reflect the diversity and complexity of society.(电影中的文化共鸣反映了社会的多样性和复杂性。)

7. The political resonances of the speech resonated with the voters and helped the candidate win the election.(演讲的共鸣引起了选民们的共鸣,帮助候选人赢得了选举。)


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