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equalization是什么意思 equalization的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-11 05:04:13
  • 71

equalization是什么意思 equalization的读音、翻译、用法



词组搭配:equalization payment(平衡支付)、equalization of opportunities(机会均等)、equalization of taxes(税收平等化)等。


发音拼写: [ee-kwuh-luh-zey-shuhn]


1. The purpose of the new policy is to promote equalization of educational resources in different regions.(新政策的目的是促进不同地区教育资源的均等化。)

2. Equalization of salaries between men and women is still a major issue in many workplaces.(男女薪资的平等仍是许多工作场所面临的主要问题。)

3. The government is committed to the equalization of healthcare access for all citizens.(致力于实现所有公民医疗保健接触的平等化。)

4. The goal of economic equalization between different regions is still a long way off.(不同地区之间经济均等化的目标仍有很长的路要走。)

5. The recent tax reform is expected to promote the equalization of tax burdens for different income groups.(最近的税制改革预计将促进不同收入群体纳税负担的平等化。)

6. The company has taken steps to ensure the equalization of opportunities for all employees.(该公司已采取措施确保所有员工的机会平等。)

7. The purpose of the equalization payment is to compensate for regional disparities in government funding.(平衡支付的目的是弥补资金分配中的区域差异。)


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