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indemniser是什么意思 indemniser的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-08 02:11:23
  • 438

indemniser是什么意思 indemniser的读音、翻译、用法





1. indemnity payment 赔偿款

2. indemnity clause 赔偿条款

3. indemnity insurance 赔偿保险

4. indemnity agreement 赔偿协议

5. indemnity bond 赔偿保证金

6. indemnity claim 赔偿要求

7. indemnity letter 赔偿信




1. The company agreed to indemnify the workers for any injuries suffered on the job.(公司同意为工人在工作中受伤付赔偿金。)

2. The insurance policy will indemnify you for any damages or losses caused by unforeseen cirtances.(这项保险政策可以为你在意外情况下造成的任何损害或损失提供赔偿。)

3. The contract contained an indemnity clause that protected both parties from damages caused by the other.(合同包含了一项赔偿条款,保护双方免受对方造成的损害。)

4. The supplier agreed to indemnify the buyer for any defects found in the product.(供应商同意为产品中发现的任何缺陷赔偿买方。)

5. The individual was asked to indemnify the company for any losses incurred as a result of his actions.(该个人被要求为公司因其行为而产生的任何损失承担责任。)

6. The government agreed to indemnify the company for any financial losses incurred during the project.(同意为项目中产生的任何财务损失承担责任。)

7. The employee was indemnified for any medical expenses incurred as a result of the work-related injury.(员工因工伤而产生的任何医疗费用得到了赔偿。)


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