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model是什么意思 model的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-18 11:28:03
  • 175

model是什么意思 model的读音、翻译、用法

词义:model 有多个词义,可以指“模型、原型、典范、模范、模特、样式、模特儿、设计、模式”等。

词性:model 可以是名词、动词或形容词。


- role model:榜样,模范

- fashion model:时装模特儿

- scale model:比例模型

- model train:模型火车

- modeling clay:橡皮泥


发音拼写:[ˈmɑːdl] (美式英语)


1. She is a role model for young women everywhere.(她是年轻女性的榜样。)

2. The company is introducing a new model of their popular smartphone.(该公司正在推出一款流行智能手机的新型号。)

3. He built a scale model of the Eiffel Tower from toothpicks.(他用牙签建了一座按比例缩小的艾菲尔铁塔模型。)

4. The fashion show featured models wearing the latest designer clothes.(时装秀上展示了穿着最新设计师衣服的模特。)

5. Aspiring young architects often start by building models of their designs.(有抱负的年轻建筑师经常会先用模型来展示他们的设计。)

6. The teacher modeled the correct unciation for the students.(老师为学生展示了正确的发音。)

7. He carefully examined the make and model of each car before a decision.(他在做出决定前仔细检查了每辆汽车的制造商和型号。)


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