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miriam是什么意思 miriam的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-07 10:14:29
  • 186

miriam是什么意思 miriam的读音、翻译、用法

1. 普通名词(n.):Miriam作为普通名词时,指的是一种古老的来名字,意为“苦味”,在圣经中多用于描述摩西的姐姐。


- Miriam was the elder sister of Moses and Aaron in the Old Testament.


- Among the children of Israel, many girls were named Miriam as a way of honoring Moses's sister.


2. 缩写词(abbr.):Miriam在医学领域常常作为MRI(磁共振成像)的缩写词,用于描述一种医学诊断技术,可以利用磁场和无线电信号来制造详细的身体图像。


- The doctor recommended an MRI to get a better look at the patient's internal organs.


- I was a little nervous about getting an MRI, but it turned out to be a painless procedure.


3. 人名(pn.):Miriam也可以是一个人名,通常指的是女性。在来语中,Miriam是一个非常常见的名字。


- I met a woman named Miriam at the party last night. She was very kind and intelligent.


- My great-grandmother's name was Miriam, and she was one of the strongest and most resilient people I've ever known.


4. 文化(culture):Miriam也是一个有着深厚文化含义的名字,在犹太教和教中都非常重要。在犹太教中,Miriam是摩西的姐姐,被认为是早期犹太人的领袖之一;在教中,Miriam则是的母亲马利亚的来名字。


- Every year during Passover, Jews around the world sing the song of Miriam to remember the story of Moses and his sister.


- In the Gospels, Mary is referred to by her Hebrew name Miriam several times, reflecting the influence of Jewish culture on early Christianity.



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