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Gardner是什么意思 Gardner的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-11 12:03:35
  • 187

Gardner是什么意思 Gardner的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词性和词义: Gardner 是一个名词,指的是一个园艺师。


- My neighbor, Mr. Gardner, has the most beautiful garden on the block.

- The school hired a new Gardner to maintain the grounds.

2. 人名缩写: Gardner 也可以是人名的缩写,如 Gardner Minshew Jr. 是一位美式足球运动员。


- Gardner Minshew Jr. is the starting quarterback for the Jacksonville Jaguars.

- Have you seen Gardner Minshew's impressive mustache?

3. 专业术语: Gardner 在某些领域也可以是一个专业术语,如 Gardner's Art Through the Ages 指的是一本艺术史教材。


- We're using Gardner's Art Through the Ages in my art history class.

- The museum's curator recommended reading Gardner to better understand the exhibit.

4. 地名: Gardner 也是一些城市和小镇的名字,如美国马萨诸塞州的一个小城市叫做 Gardner。


- I grew up in Gardner, Massachusetts, but now I live in New York City.

- Gardner, Kansas is a small town with a big heart.

5. 姓氏: Gardner 也是一些人的姓氏,如亚伯拉罕·加德纳(Abraham Gardner)和露西尔·加德纳(Lucille Gardner)。


- My great-great-grandfather's surname was Gardner.

- Did you know that Lucille Gardner was one of the first female pilots in the United States?


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