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chinny是什么意思 chinny的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-05 15:21:14
  • 506

chinny是什么意思 chinny的读音、翻译、用法

单词 'chinny' 并不存在于英语词典中,可能是一个口语化的词汇或者拼写错误。给出一些类似于 'chinny' 的常见单词及其相关解释和例句:

1. Chintzy (形容词):过分吝啬的,粗劣的。例句:He's so chintzy that he won't even buy his wife a birthday present.(他太过吝啬了,甚至都不愿给妻子买生日礼物。)

2. Chilly (形容词):寒冷的,冷淡的。例句:The water is chilly this time of year.(这个季节水很冷。)

3. Chink (名词):裂缝,狭缝。例句:A in the armor of the opposing team allowed us to score the winning goal.(对方球队防线上的一个破绽使我们得以进入制胜球。)

4. Chirpy (形容词):欢快的,活泼的。例句:She's always so chirpy in the morning, even before she's had her coffee.(她每天早上都非常活泼,甚至在喝咖啡之前。)

5. Chin-up (名词):引体向上。例句:He can do 20 chin-ups without breaking a sweat.(他可以毫不费力地完成20个引体向上。)

6. Chignon (名词):发髻。例句:She wore her hair in a graceful chignon for the wedding.(她在婚礼上把头发梳成了优美的发髻。)

7. Chinchilla (名词):栗色鼠。例句:The hilla's fur is incredibly soft and silky.(栗色鼠的毛发非常柔软光滑。)


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