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arxiv是什么意思 arxiv的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-05 02:46:59
  • 524

arxiv是什么意思 arxiv的读音、翻译、用法

1. 定义



- Many scientists choose to publish their research on arxiv before submitting it to a traditional journal.

- Arxiv has become a go-to source for many researchers looking for the latest papers on a specific topic.

2. 范围



- I found a really interesting paper on arxiv about the mathematical principles behind machine learning.

- Arxiv's database is constantly updated with new research from a wide range of scientific disciplines.

3. 使用



- I uploaded my latest research paper to arxiv so that other scientists can review it and provide feedback.

- Arxiv provides a great platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing between researchers from around the world.

4. 影响



- Arxiv has revolutionized the way that scientists share their research and collaborate with one another.

- Many scientists credit Arxiv with helping to accelerate the pace of scientific discovery in a variety of fields.


1. Many researchers turn to arxiv to find the latest papers on their favorite topics. 许多研究人员查阅arxiv以找到他们最感兴趣的研究论文。

2. Arxiv is an open-access platform that allows scientists to share their research with the world. Arxiv是一个开放平台,使科学家可以向全世界分享他们的研究成果。

3. Arxiv is known for its extensive collection of papers in physics and mathematics. Arxiv因其物理学和数学领域的论文收集而闻名。

4. Thanks to arxiv, it is easier than ever for scientists to collaborate on research projects from different parts of the world. 多亏了arxiv,科学家们可以更容易地在全球范围内进行研究合作。

5. With the rise of arxiv, many scientists have shifted from traditional publisher-owned journals to open-access publishing. 随着arxiv的崛起,许多科学家已经从传统的出版商拥有的期刊转向开放获取的出版物。


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