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make.a.deal是什么意思 make.a.deal的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-14 15:06:35
  • 184

make.a.deal是什么意思 make.a.deal的读音、翻译、用法


1. 词性:make.a.deal是一个动词短语,用于表示达成协议或交易。

2. 含义:当人们说“make a deal”时,通常指双方就某个问题达成了一项协议,而这个协议可能包括商品、服务、货币等方面。

3. 同义词:达成协议的同义词包括achieve an agreement, come to terms, reach a settlement等。

4. 用法:make.a.deal通常和prep.短语搭配使用,比如"make a deal with sb"或者"make a deal on sth". 它也可以作为不及物动词使用,比如"we finally made a deal"。

5. 例句:


- We made a deal with the supplier to lower the price.

- The two countries made a deal to reduce the number of nuclear weapons.

- He's known for his ability to make a deal with almost anyone.

- We're hoping to make a deal on this house before the end of the month.

- They were finally able to make a deal after weeks of negotiations.


- 我们与供应商达成了降价的协议。

- 两个国家达成了减少数量的协议。

- 他因与几乎任何人都能达成协议而出名。

- 我们希望在月底前在这套房子上达成一项协议。

- 经过几周的谈判,他们最终能够达成一项协议。


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