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aigrette是什么意思 aigrette的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-29 11:57:20
  • 379

aigrette是什么意思 aigrette的读音、翻译、用法

Aigrette 是一个英语单词,通常用于形容羽毛饰品,也经常用于指代由白鹭的羽毛制成的饰品。以下是对此单词的5个方面的说明及5个例句。

1. 词源和拼写:Aigrette 这个单词来自法语,意为“小白鹭”,拼写为“aigrette”。


- The aigrette on her hat was made of snowy egret feathers.

- I saw a beautiful aigrette in the display window of that hat store.

2. 定义和用途:Aigrette 是用来装饰帽子或袍子等衣物的羽毛饰品,在过去曾经很流行,现在则主要是作为装饰或者表演用途。


- The king's ceremonial robe was adorned with a magnificent aigrette.

- She wore a simple black dress with a striking aigrette pinned to her hair.

3. 材料和制作:Aigrette 通常由鹊鸟、鸟嘴、天鹅、白鸦等多种鸟类的羽毛制成。


- The aigrette in her hair was made from the iridescent feathers of a magpie.

- The fashion designer used ostrich feathers to create the aigrettes for the runway show.

4. 历史和文化:Aigrette 在欧洲文化中曾经非常流行,并且被认为是一种皇室贵族的象征。需要注意的是,由于造成了许多无辜动物的死亡,现在已经被禁止。


- In the 18th century, aigrettes were often worn by French ility as a symbol of wealth and status.

- The demand for aigrettes was so high in the early 20th century that it led to the near-extinction of many bird species.

5. 现代用途:虽然制作和使用 aigrette 的做法已经受到强烈谴责,但一些时尚和装饰品牌仍然会使用羽毛饰品做为装饰品。


- The fashion brand has recently launched a line of aigrette-inspired earrings.

- The actor wore a stunning aigrette necklace on the red carpet.


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