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reveals是什么意思 reveals的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-17 13:05:42
  • 130

reveals是什么意思 reveals的读音、翻译、用法

I have no professional knowledge of teaching English, but I can still provide the following explanations and examples of the word "reveals":

1. Definition: "Reveals" is a verb that means to make something known or to uncover something that was previously hidden.

Example sentence: The investigation revealed that he had been stealing from the company for years.

2. Synonyms: expose, disclose, uncover, unveil

Example sentence: The new research study reveals previously unknown information about the effects of the drug.

3. Antonyms: conceal, hide, suppress

Example sentence: She tried to conceal her disappointment, but her face revealed her true feelings.

4. Usage: "Reveals" is often used in news articles, research papers, and academic writing to describe new information or findings.

Example sentence: The leaked documents revealed a cover-up by the government.

5. Common collocations: "reveal the truth," "reveal a secret," "reveal a surprise"

Example sentence: The surprise party was ruined when someone accidentally revealed the secret to the guest of honor.

In summary, "reveals" is a verb that means to uncover or make known something that was previously hidden. It has many synonyms and antonyms, is commonly used in academic writing, and collocates with words like "truth" and "secret."


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