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deduits是什么意思 deduits的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-15 14:45:04
  • 74

deduits是什么意思 deduits的读音、翻译、用法

1. 定义


2. 可能的含义

- Deductions: 减少,扣除。这个词通常出现在讨论、保险等方面。

- Deductibles: 自负额。这个词在保险领域中非常常见,表示在保险理赔时,保险公司不会支付的金额。

- Deducible: 可扣除的。这个词较少见,通常用于描述某些费用或支出可以在纳税申报中扣除。

3. 例句

- The company offered a 10% deduction on all purchases made during the promotion.


- The insurance policy has a $500 deductible for any claims.


- The expenses for the business trip are fully deductible for tax purposes.


- The customer mistakenly thought the deduits on the receipt were an additional charge.


- The employee didn't understand why they had to pay the deduits on their paycheck until it was explained that it was for health insurance.



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