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chidren是什么意思 chidren的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-02 12:03:03
  • 76

chidren是什么意思 chidren的读音、翻译、用法

1. 拼写和发音

- Children是一个多音节单词,重音在第一个音节上。

- 在英美英语中,该单词的发音略有差异。英式英语中,"chi-ldren"的"i"音读得更长,而美式英语中则更短。


- The teacher corrected the students' unciation of "children."

- The phonics lesson focused on the correct spelling and unciation of "children."

2. 词性和语法

- "Children"是一个名词,表示年龄在0-12岁之间的人群,一般作为复数形式使用。原则上,不加任何限定词时,指的是"所有儿童",但有时也可指某个特定群体的儿童。

- 可以使用"child"作为单数形式,但在描述多个儿童的情况下,必须使用复数形式"children"。

- "Children"也可用作动词,表示照顾或抚养儿童的行为。


- The playground is a place where children can have fun and make friends.

- The children's choir sang beautifully at the Christmas concert.

- She has dedicated her life to helping children in need.

- The parents were concerned about how to raise their children in a safe and healthy environment.

- The camp provides various activities and programs for children to enjoy.

3. 常见搭配

- "Child/children"常用于表示家庭、学校、医院等场合。

- 常见短语包括"childhood"(童年),"childcare"(儿童保育),"child development"(儿童发育)等。


- The family had four children, two boys and two girls.

- The teacher's job is to educate and nurture children to help them grow into responsible adults.

- The hospital has a pediatric ward for sick children.

- Parents should be involved in their children's education to ensure their academic success.

- Research has shown that early childhood education is crucial for a child's development.

4. 常见错误

- 常见拼写错误是将"i"和"e"的位置颠倒,写成"cheildren"。

- 有些人错误地把"children"视为可数名词的单数形式,因而说出"one children"或类似的话。


- Some people mistakenly believe that "children" is spelled with an "e" instead of an "i".

- The student made a common mistake by saying "one children" instead of "one child".



- The children played happily in the park.

- 孩子们在公园里高兴地玩耍。

- Childcare providers must undergo background checks before they can work with children.

- 在与孩子一起工作之前,儿童保育人员必须接受背景调查。

- The teacher gave each child a gold star for their hard work.

- 老师为每个孩子的努力工作颁发了一颗金星。

- Many parents worry about their children's safety on the internet.

- 许多家长担心孩子在互联网上的安全问题。

- The organization aims to improve the lives of disadvantaged children around the world.

- 该组织旨在改善全球贫困儿童的生活。


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