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goahead是什么意思 goahead的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-08-29 14:15:00
  • 211

goahead是什么意思 goahead的读音、翻译、用法

词义:goahead 是一个动词短语,意为“继续,开始”,常用于口语中。


词组搭配:go ahead with sth./doing sth.(继续做某事)、give sb. the go-ahead(允许某人开始做某事)、take the go-ahead(开始做某事)等。




1. The boss gave the go-ahead for the new project to start.(老板已经允许该新项目开始了。)

2. Can we go ahead with the plan even if it rains?(即使下雨,我们能不能继续执行计划?)

3. The coach told us to go ahead and warm up before the game.(教练告诉我们在比赛前可以继续热身。)

4. The manager finally gave us the go-ahead to hire a new employee.(经理最终同意我们雇佣一名新员工。)

5. If you're ready to start the presentation, go ahead.(如果您准备好开始演示,请开始吧。)

6. After getting the go-ahead from the prinl, the students started planning the school dance.(在校长的允许下,学生们开始策划校舞会。)

7. Tom was hesitant to ask his boss for the go-ahead to take a day off.(汤姆不太愿意向他的老板请求一天的假期允许。)


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