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hunted是什么意思 hunted的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-05-07 08:55:17
  • 88

hunted是什么意思 hunted的读音、翻译、用法


1. 词意解释: "hunted"意为"被猎杀",通常用于描述人或动物被猎人追杀的情形;

2. 单词形态: "hunted"是动词hunt的过去分词形式,表示已经发生的状态;

3. 词类: "hunted"是动词,可以用作主要动词或助动词;

4. 语境: "hunted"通常与、陷阱、猎犬等词汇一起使用,用于描述狩猎场景;

5. 语用: "hunted"也可以引申为"被寻找"或"搜索"的意思,用于形容寻找数据或信息等。


1. Their prey was hunted down and killed by the hunters. (他们的猎物被猎人逐个追杀并杀死了。)

2. The bear was hunted in the woods by the hunter. (这只熊在森林里被猎人追杀了。)

3. The hunted deer ran through the forest as fast as it could. (被追杀的鹿尽可能地快速穿过森林。)

4. She felt hunted by the paparazzi wherever she went. (无论她走到哪里,她都感到被媒体窥探。)

5. The detective hunted for clues at the crime scene. (侦探在现场寻找线索。)


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