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vanities是什么意思 vanities的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-27 09:17:09
  • 259

vanities是什么意思 vanities的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词形变化:vanity是一个名词,vanities是其复数形式。其缩写词为VAN。

2. 词释:vanities指的是那些浮华、虚荣的东西,通常与个人的外在形象、社会地位、权力等有关。

3. 用法:vanities可以用于表达个人的欲望、虚荣和浮躁,也可以用于描述社会的虚伪和荒谬。

4. 联想词汇:ego, narcissism, ostentation, pretentiousness, self-importance, self-promotion。

5. 常见用例:

- The actress was obsessed with her vanities and always demanded the best dressing room on set.(这位女演员对自己的虚荣十分留心,总是要求在片场里拥有最好的化妆间。)

- Many people are misled by the vanities of social media, thinking that likes and followers are the keys to happiness.(很多人被社交媒体的虚荣所迷惑,以为点赞和粉丝是幸福的关键。)

- The politician's speech was full of vanities and empty promises, leaving the audience feeling disillusioned.(这位家的演讲充满了虚伪的言辞和空洞的承诺,让听众感到失望。)

- The wealthy couple's vanities included owning multiple luxury cars and a private jet.(这对有钱夫妇的虚荣包括拥有多辆豪华车和私人飞机。)

- The fashion industry is built upon the vanities of consumers who seek to project a certain image through clothing and accessories.(时尚行业建立在那些通过服装和配饰来展现特定形象的消费者的虚荣心上。)


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