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deformities是什么意思 deformities的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-27 04:47:04
  • 53

deformities是什么意思 deformities的读音、翻译、用法


1. 定义方面:deformities是指身体结构、形状、功能等方面的畸形或变形。

例句:Due to the deformities in his spine, he could not stand up straight.


2. 类型方面:deformities可以包括先天畸形、生理结构缺陷、外伤后的后遗症、疾病引起的变形等等。

例句:Her deformities were caused by a rare genetic disorder.


3. 诊断方面:患者需要通过医学检查或诊断才能确定deformities的类型和严重程度。

例句:The doctor ordered an X-ray to confirm the extent of the deformity in her hip joint.


4. 效果方面:deformities可能会影响患者的生活质量和身体功能,需要通过治疗来改善。

例句:After undergoing surgery to correct the deformity in his leg, he was able to walk without any assistance.



1. Her facial deformities made her feel self-conscious in public. 她面部的畸形让她感到在公共场合很不自在。

2. He was born with several deformities in his hands and feet. 他出生时手脚有几处畸形。

3. The X-ray revealed a deformity in his spine that required surgery. X线检查显示他的脊椎存在需要手术矫正的畸形。

4. The accident left him with deformities in his legs that made it difficult to walk. 这次事故导致他腿部畸形,很难行走。

5. The rare genetic disorder caused severe deformities in the baby's skull. 这种罕见的遗传疾病导致新生儿头骨严重畸形。


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