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bakers是什么意思 bakers的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-15 01:09:41
  • 173

bakers是什么意思 bakers的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词性:bakers 是一个名词,指的是烘焙师或者面包师。


- My brother is a baker.

- The bakers in this town make the best croissants.

- There is a shortage of skilled bakers in the city.

- The bakery is looking to hire a new baker.

- The bakers are working hard to prepare for the holiday season.

2. 职业领域:bakers 是一个专业术语,主要用于描述与面包和其他烘焙产品相关的工作和产业。


- The bakery industry is a major employer of bakers.

- Bakers need to have a good understanding of ingredients and baking techniques.

- The local bakers' union is negotiating for better working conditions.

- Many bakers work long hours in order to meet demand.

- Some bakers specialize in artisan breads or pastries.

3. 历史背景:烘焙是人类历史上非常重要的一项技能和产业,bakers 这个单词也有着悠久的历史。


- Bakers have been around for thousands of years, dating back to ancient civilizations.

- The guild of bakers was an important institution in medieval Europe.

- The industrial revolution brought about major changes in the way bakers worked and produced bread.

- Bakers played a key role in feeding soldiers during wartime.

- Today, many traditional methods of baking are still practiced by artisan bakers.

4. 相关词汇:bakers 这个单词与其他词汇有着紧密的关联,包括面包、糕点、面粉等等。


- The bakers use high-quality flour to make their bread.

- The bakery sells a variety of pastries, including croissants and danishes.

- The smell of fresh-baked bread wafted through the air as the bakers worked.

- The bakers were careful to follow the recipe exactly in order to achieve the perfect texture.

- The customers were delighted with the bakers' creations, which included both sweet and savory treats.

5. 相关习语:bakers 这个单词也与一些习语有着紧密的关联,如 baker's dozen。


- The bakers always give us a baker's dozen of bagels, instead of just twelve.

- I ordered a dozen doughnuts, but the bakers gave me a baker's dozen by mistake.

- The tradition of giving customers a baker's dozen dates back to the days when bakers worried about being accused of shorting customers.

- The bakers explained that they gave us a baker's dozen because they wanted to be generous.

- I always appreciate it when the bakers give me a little extra bread or pastry.


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