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emo是什么意思 emo的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-31 06:40:10
  • 224

emo是什么意思 emo的读音、翻译、用法



词组搭配:emo culture(emo文化)、emo music(emo音乐)、emo style(emo风格)、emo kid(喜欢emo的年轻人)。

短语:be emo(成为emo)、emo band(emo乐队)、emo fashion(emo时尚)。



1. She loves listening to emo music and dressing in emo style.(她喜欢听emo音乐和穿emo风格的衣服。)

2. The lyrics of this emo song are so emotional and deep.(这首emo歌的歌词非常情感丰富和深刻。)

3. Jack is an emo kid who always wears black clothes and has dyed hair.(杰克是一个喜欢emo的年轻人,总是穿着黑色的衣服,染着头发。)

4. The emo culture has had a big impact on fashion and music over the years.(这个emo文化多年来对时尚和音乐产生了很大的影响。)

5. Many people misunderstand emo and think it's just about being sad all the time, but it's really more than that.(很多人误解emo,认为它只是一直很悲伤,但其实不只是那样。)


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