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insulter是什么意思 insulter的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-09 04:21:16
  • 402

insulter是什么意思 insulter的读音、翻译、用法

1. 定义和词源


2. 同义词和反义词

同义词:abuser, offender, offender, mocker, attacker, ridiculer等。

反义词:complimenter, praiser, encourager等。

3. 用法示范



- He was known as a notorious insulter who took pleasure in belittling others.

- The insulter hurled expletives at the police officer before being taken into custody.

- He was fired from his job for being an insulter to his colleagues and clients.

- The cyberbully was a serial insulter, leaving derogatory comments on people's social media posts.

4. 文化背景和社会影响

Insults are often used as a way to establish dominance or assert one's superiority over others. Insulters may use derogatory terms or insults to marginalize or demean people based on their race, gender, uality, or other characteristics. In some cultures, insult is considered an art form and skilled insulters may be highly respected or even revered. However, in most societies, insults are viewed as inappropriate or even offensive and can lead to negative consequences, such as legal action or social ostracism.


- In some parts of the world, insult is considered a form of entertainment and skilled insulters are highly regarded.

- Insults based on race, gender, or ual orientation are considered highly offensive and can result in legal action.

- The rise of social media has made it easier for insulters to target others and spread their insults to a wider audience.

- Insults in the workplace can create a toxic environment and have a negative impact on morale and productivity.

- In some cases, insults can be a form of bullying and can lead to long-lasting psychological harm.


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