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boy是什么意思 boy的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-25 11:22:21
  • 230

gayboy是什么意思 gayboy的读音、翻译、用法

boy 是一个含有贬义的俚语词语,用来侮辱或称呼男同性恋或看似男同性恋的男性。boy 这个词的字面意思是指“同性恋男孩”,但在实际使用中,它通常被用作一种蔑称。






1. He was called a boy because of his fashion style.(由于他的时尚风格,他被称为同性恋男孩)

2. The bullying students called him a boy just because he had a different personality.(因为他的个性不同,欺凌他的学生们称他为同性恋男孩)

3. It is never appropriate to use the term "boy" as it is highly offensive.(使用“boy”这个词是高度冒犯的,从来不合适)

4. His classmates teased him, calling him a boy, and it made him feel ashamed of his true identity.(他的同学们取笑他,叫他同性恋男孩,这让他为自己的真实身份感到)

5. The use of the word boy is discriminatory and should not be tolerated in any situation.(使用“boy”一词是歧视性的,任何情况下都不应被容忍)

6. He was deeply hurt when someone called him a boy, he just wanted to be accepted for who he was.(当有人称他为同性恋男孩时,他深受伤害,他只想被接受为自己本来的样子)

7. The word boy is outdated and highly offensive, it should not be used in any situation.(“boy”这个词已经过时了,并且非常冒犯,任何情况下都不应该使用)


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