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leaflets是什么意思 leaflets的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-11 01:19:18
  • 568

leaflets是什么意思 leaflets的读音、翻译、用法


leaflets 是名词,指小册子、传单、宣传单等印刷品,通常用于宣传或传达信息。


leaflets 是名词的复数形式。


- distribute leaflets: 分发传单

- hand out leaflets: 分发传单

- leaflet campaign: 传单宣传活动

- printed leaflets: 印刷传单

- political leaflets: 传单


- a leaflet about the dangers of smoking: 关于吸烟危害的传单

- a leaflet promoting a new product: 宣传新产品的传单

- The activists handed out leaflets to pedestrians on the street.: 活动人员在街上向行人分发传单。




1. Can you help me design a leaflet for my business? 你能帮我设计一份宣传我生意的小册子吗2. The company launched a leaflet campaign to promote its new range of products. 公司发起了一个传单宣传活动来推广其新产品系列。

3. The leaflets were distributed to all households in the area. 传单被分发到该地区所有家庭。

4. The leaflet contained information on how to recycle and conserve energy. 传单包含有关如何回收和节能的信息。

5. The protest group handed out leaflets to passersby, urging them to take action against climate change. 团体向过路人分发传单,敦促他们采取行动对抗气候变化。

6. They printed thousands of leaflets ahead of the election, outlining their policies and promises. 选举前,他们印刷了数千份传单,概述了他们的政策和承诺。

7. The charity organization used leaflets to inform people about their fundraising event. 慈善机构使用传单告知人们他们的筹款活动。


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