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viracocha是什么意思 viracocha的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-03 06:48:38
  • 92

viracocha是什么意思 viracocha的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词源和定义:


2. 词性和发音:


3. 文化背景:


4. 其他用法和拓展:


5. 相关文学作品和影视作品:

Viracocha在许多文学和影视作品中都有出现,比如英国作家H. G. Wells的小说“The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth”中就有以Viracocha为主题的章节。


1. According to Incan mythology, Viracocha was a god of creation who formed the world with his hands.

2. The name "Viracocha" is believed to come from the Quechuan words "wira" (fat) and "qucha" (lake), which can be translated as "fat of the lake".

3. The Viracocha Temple in Cusco, Peru, is a famous Incan ruin that was dedicated to the worship of the god.

4. The band Viracocha, formed in the 1970s, was known for its fusion of Latin American folk music with rock and jazz.

5. In the film "The Motorcycle Diaries," the character of Ernesto "Che" Guevara encounters a group of indigenous people who worship Viracocha.


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