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regio是什么意思 regio的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-05-06 15:43:35
  • 483

regio是什么意思 regio的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词义:regio是拉丁语,意为“地区,区域”。

2. 词性:名词。

3. 词组搭配:regio lingualis(舌面区)、regio axillaris(腋窝区)、regio cruris(腿部区域)等。

4. 短语:无。

5. 发音拼写:[ˈreɡio]


1. The regio of Tuscany is well-known for its delicious cuisine.


2. The company plans to expand its business to the regio of Asia in the near future.


3. The regio of the brain responsible for speech is the left hemisphere.


4. This product has been approved for sale in the regio of Europe.


5. The regio of California is known for its sunny weather and beautiful beaches.



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