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FlexRay是什么意思 FlexRay的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-05 09:28:33
  • 103

FlexRay是什么意思 FlexRay的读音、翻译、用法

'FlexRay' 是一种计算机网络通信协议,用于高速实时数据传输。它的词源是“flexible”(灵活的)和“ray”(光线),意为灵活的光线,象征着其高度灵活的通信能力。FlexRay 是一个专为汽车电子应用设计的网络。它提供了很高的带宽和实时性,使得许多实时应用可以无缝运行。


词组搭配:FlexRay Network(FlexRay 网络);FlexRay Protocol(FlexRay 协议);FlexRay Communication System(FlexRay 通信系统)。


发音拼写:/'fleks.ɹeɪ/ (弗莱克斯瑞)


1. FlexRay protocol can support the transmission of deterministic data with high bandwidth and low latency.

FlexRay 协议可以支持高带宽、低延迟的确定性数据传输。

2. The FlexRay network provides a reliable and robust communication system for automotive applications.

FlexRay 网络为汽车应用提供了可靠和强大的通信系统。

3. The FlexRay bus is capable of supporting multiple devices with high-speed communication.

FlexRay 总线能够支持多个设备进行高速通信。

4. The FlexRay communication standard has become increasingly popular in the automotive industry in recent years.

近年来,FlexRay 通信标准在汽车工业中越来越受欢迎。

5. FlexRay offers advanced networking technology for high-performance and safety-critical applications.

FlexRay 提供高级网络技术,用于高性能和安全关键应用。

6. The FlexRay protocol is designed to meet the requirements for real-time, highly reliable communication in the automotive industry.

FlexRay 协议旨在满足汽车工业实时、高度可靠通信的要求。

7. FlexRay technology is used in many advanced driver assistance systems such as adaptive cruise control and lane departure warning.

FlexRay 技术被用于许多高级驾驶辅助系统,如自适应巡航控制和车道偏离警告。


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