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defectors是什么意思 defectors的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-09 05:49:28
  • 667

defectors是什么意思 defectors的读音、翻译、用法

1. 定义:Defectors是指背叛、叛变的人,通常用来指那些离开自己的国家、组织、政党等的人员。

2. 来源:Defectors这个词最早出现在英语中是指离开东德来到西德的人,尤其是指前东德的家和情报人员。

3. 用法:Defectors是可数名词,其复数形式为defectors。该词通常在、军事等领域中使用。

4. 同义词:Defectors在不同的语境中可以有不同的同义词,如traitors、turncoats、rebels等。

5. 例句:

- The Soviet Union tried to keep its defectors under control by threatening their families back home.


- The defector provided valuable information about the enemy's military strategy.


- The defectors from the rebel group have been given asylum in a neighboring country.


- The defectors from the rival party joined our party to strengthen our position in the elections.


- The CIA used defectors as spies to gather intelligence on foreign countries.



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