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skim milk是什么意思 skim milk的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-10 03:19:25
  • 774

skim milk是什么意思 skim milk的读音、翻译、用法

Skim milk是指在牛奶中去除脂肪后所得的低脂牛奶。以下是从三个方面对skim milk进行说明:

1. 饮食和健康:

Skim milk通常被许多人作为减肥饮食中需要的低脂饮料,它的脂肪含量比全脂牛奶低得多,每100毫升中只含有0.1克的脂肪。对于想要控制身体脂肪含量的人来说,skim milk非常有益。


- I always choose skim milk over whole milk because it’s low in fat.

- Drinking skim milk is a better option for weight loss compared to soda or juice.

- My doctor advised me to switch to skim milk to lower my cholesterol levels.

2. 烹饪:

skim milk在烹饪中也是一个非常有用的食材,它可以被用来代替全脂牛奶,并在烘焙,煮汤和做酱汁中派上用场。由于它的低脂含量,所以它不会让菜肴过于油腻,而且味道也十分美味。


- This soup recipe calls for skim milk instead of cream to make it healthier.

- I’m going to use skim milk to make the sauce for this macaroni and cheese dish.

- She replaced the whole milk with skim milk in the cake recipe to make it a bit healthier.

3. 零售:

skim milk是超市中的常见商品,很容易买到。它通常会以蓝色的包装来区分,以便顾客能够更容易地找到这个商品。许多超市中还提供了低脂牛奶的其他形式,例如脱脂酸奶等。


- I need to pick up some skim milk from the store for my morning coffee.

- The skim milk is located in the dairy section of the supermarket.

- The supermarket carries a variety of low-fat dairy products, including skim milk and nonfat yogurt.


1. I need to switch to drinking skim milk to help me lose some weight. (我需要改喝脱脂牛奶来帮助我减肥。)

2. The recipe calls for 2 cups of skim milk instead of whole milk. (这个食谱需要2杯脱脂牛奶,而不是全脂牛奶。)

3. You can find skim milk in the dairy aisle next to the other types of milk. (脱脂牛奶位于奶制品货架的旁边,和其他类型的牛奶在一起。)

4. I was surprised that the skim milk tasted just as good as the whole milk. (我很惊讶,脱脂牛奶的味道和全脂牛奶一样美味。)

5. If you want to make the soup healthier, use skim milk instead of cream. (如果你想要让汤更健康,可以用脱脂牛奶代替奶油。)


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