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compacter是什么意思 compacter的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-04 07:10:48
  • 575

compacter是什么意思 compacter的读音、翻译、用法


1. Compacter 是由 compact (紧凑的)和 -er (表示人或物的角色或职能)构成的人称词。用来指代那些压实某些物体的人,比如垃圾车司机,土方机司机等等。


- The compacter is responsible for compacting and transporting the waste materials to the landfill.

- The construction workers used a compacter to level the ground before pouring the foundation.

2. Compacter 也可以是紧凑型物品的名词,通常用于指代一种压缩机或者压路机等。


- The soil compacter uses an hydraulic system to compress the soil for better stability.

- The compacter machine is used to compact loose garbage into a smaller volume for easier transportation.

3. Compacter 也可以是 compact disc (光盘)的缩写词。


- I have all of my favorite als on compacter disc (CD).

- The compacter disc is more durable and easier to use than the old vinyl records.

4. Compacter 还可以是 compact fluorescent lamp (节能灯)的缩写词。


- The compact fluorescent lamp is a more energy-efficient alternative to traditional light bulbs.

- The compacter fluorescent lamp takes up less space and lasts much longer than incandescent bulbs.

5. Compacter 也可以是 compact appliance (小型电器)的缩写词。


- The kitchen in my apartment is small, so I have to buy compacter appliances, like a mini fridge and a countertop oven.

- Compact appliances are perfect for small apartments or dorm rooms.


可以有多种含义。它可以是指一个人,一个物品,一个光盘,一种灯,或者一个小型电器。在不同的场合下,'compacter' 可以有不同的用法和意义,需要根据语境进行理解。


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