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put across是什么意思 put across的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-26 12:12:46
  • 662

put across是什么意思 put across的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词释

'put across'是一个片语动词,指的是表达或传达某个想法、观点或概念。通常用于指某人成功地将某个信息传达给另一个人或一群人。

2. 用法说明

'put across'的常用用法为:

- put (sth.) across:传达(某事)

- put (sb.) across:使(某人)理解

3. 使用注意事项


- 'put across'通常用于口语和非正式场合。

- 'put across'强调成功地传达某信息,因此,通常用于表扬某人的沟通能力。


1. The point he was trying to put across was that we need to start investing in renewable energy. (他的观点是我们需要开始投资于可再生能源。)

2. I tried to put my ideas across to the team, but they just weren't interested. (我试图向团队阐述我的想法,但他们并不感兴趣。)

3. She was able to put across her argument in a clear and concise manner. (她能够以清晰简洁的方式阐述她的论点。)


5. He struggled to put his thoughts across, as he was a bit nervous in front of the large audience. (他在大庭广众之下有些紧张,因此难以阐述他的想法。)


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