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singnal是什么意思 singnal的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-10 09:47:35
  • 406

singnal是什么意思 singnal的读音、翻译、用法

1. 意思


2. 用途


- 在交通中,用来表示交通标志和信号。

- 在军事中,用来表示的发号施令和传递信息。

- 在电子通讯中,用来表示传送和接收信号。

3. 几个例子

- The traffic signal turned red, so we stopped at the intersection. (交通信号灯变成了红色,所以我们停在了十字路口。)

- The coach signaled the baseball player to bunt the ball. (教练示意棒球运动员轻轻推球。)

- The radio signal was too weak to pick up the signal from the spacecraft. (无线电信号太弱,无法接收到飞船的信号。)

- The signal from the fire alarm alerted everyone to evacuate the building immediately. (火警报警器发出的信号提醒每个人立即疏散大楼。)

4. 意思的变化


- Signature:签名

- Significant:重要的

- Signalman:信号兵

- Sigma:希腊字母


- Please put your signature on the bottom of the page. (请在页面底部签名。)

- The discovery of a new fossil is a significant event in the scientific community. (新化石的发现是科学界一件重要的事件。)

- The signalman used his binoculars to keep an eye on the incoming trains. (信号兵使用望远镜观察进站的火车。)

- The formula for calculating the standard deviation is represented by the Greek letter sigma. (计算标准偏差的公式用希腊字母sigma表示。)


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