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not me是什么意思 not me的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-05-17 14:25:45
  • 190

not me是什么意思 not me的读音、翻译、用法

词义:'not me' 是一个短语,表示“不是我”,用来否认自己与某个行为、事件或责任有关。


词组搭配:'not me' 可以和一些动词或动词短语连用,如:did it,said it,broke it,left it,took it,等等。

短语:not me

发音拼写:/nɑt/ /mi/


1. A: Who ate the last piece of pizza?

B: Not me. 我没吃。

2. A: Did you tell him to come here?

B: Not me, I have no idea who did. 不是我,我不知道是谁让他来的。

3. A: Who made this mess?

B: Not me, I just got here. 不是我,我刚到这儿。

4. A: Did you break this vase?

B: Not me, I swear. 不是我,我发誓。

5. A: Who said that?

B: Not me, I have no memory of it. 不是我,我不记得说过。

6. A: Did you take my phone?

B: Not me, I don't even know where it is. 不是我,我甚至不知道在哪儿。

7. A: Who left the door open?

B: Not me, I'm sure I closed it. 不是我,我肯定关上了。


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