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soupirs是什么意思 soupirs的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-12-30 06:16:39
  • 240

soupirs是什么意思 soupirs的读音、翻译、用法

since "soupirs" is not a commonly used English word, I can only provide general information about the word.

1. Etymology: "Soupirs" is a French word meaning "sighs." It is used in English to describe a sound or feeling of a deep, audible breath or sigh. The word is often used in a poetic or romantic context.

2. Usage: "Soupirs" can be used as a noun or a verb. As a noun, it can refer to the sound of a sigh or a feeling of deep longing or desire. As a verb, it can describe the act of sighing deeply or expressing a strong desire.

3. Context: "Soupirs" is often used in a romantic or emotional context to express longing, desire, or sadness. It can be used in poetry, literature, or music to convey a particular mood or emotion. It can also be used in everyday conversation to express a feeling of deep longing or yearning.


1. Elle laissait échapper des soupirs profonds, signe de son désespoir. (She let out deep sighs, a sign of her despair.)

2. Les soupirs de la mer étaient apaisants pour lui. (The sighs of the sea were soothing for him.)

3. Il soupire après elle depuis des années, mais elle ne remarque même pas. (He has been sighing for her for years, but she doesn't even notice.)

4. Les soupirs des amoureux emplissaient la pièce. (The sighs of the lovers filled the room.)

5. Elle soupira de soulagement en apprenant que tout allait bien. (She breathed a sigh of relief when she learned that everything was fine.)


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