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shipshape是什么意思 shipshape的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-24 01:56:42
  • 256

shipshape是什么意思 shipshape的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词意


2. 词源


3. 含义与用法


4. 用例


1. 我妈妈总是要求家里保持整洁有序,每个房间都要保持shipshape。

2. 这家餐厅的厨房非常干净整洁,所有的厨具和餐具都摆放得井然有序。

3. 这位CEO管理得非常有条理,公司的各项工作都井然有序,非常高效。

4. 那个学生总是穿得整洁干净,行为规矩,老师们都很喜欢他。

5. 我们的会议室里每个人都准时到达,会议进行得非常有条理,效率很高。


1. My mother always insists on keeping the house shipshape, with each room tidy and well-organized.

2. The kitchen in this restaurant is very clean and shipshape, with all of the cooking and serving utensils neatly arranged.

3. The CEO runs the company with great organization, and all of the team's operations are shipshape and highly efficient.

4. That student always dresses neatly and behaves well, so the teachers all really like him.

5. Everyone arrived on time in our meeting room, and the meeting was conducted in a very organized and shipshape manner, with high efficiency.


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