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wachleute是什么意思 wachleute的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-12 14:09:53
  • 726

wachleute是什么意思 wachleute的读音、翻译、用法

"Watchleute" 是一个德语词汇,其中 "watch" 意味着 "巡逻","leute" 意味着 "人"。这个词语最常用于描述保安人员。


1. 巡逻

watchleute 这个单词的第一个部分 "watch" 意味着这些人员经常巡逻保护某个区域,如独立商店、住宅区或大型企业办公楼。在这个角色中,这些人员经常用于发现和应对安全风险,如盗窃或。


- The watchleute patrol the building every hour to ensure that everything is secure.

- The watchleute noticed a suspicious person near the entrance and alerted the police.

- The company hired watchleute to monitor the parking lot for any suspicious activity.

2. 安全警戒

watchleute 这个单词的第二个部分 "leute" 意味着这些人员会成为安全警戒的一部分。他们经常在建筑物内或周围的安全哨所工作,以确保没有未经授权或未出示证明的人进入区域。


- The watchleute are stationed at the entrance to check IDs and bags.

- The watchleute monitor the security cameras to detect any unauthorized access.

- The watchleute are responsible for ing visitors to the correct location within the building.

3. 监管

作为保安人员的一部分,watchleute 经常被委派监管某个区域,以确保区域内的规则和安全标准得到遵守,如大型公共活动、商店等。


- The watchleute are responsible for ensuring that all visitors follow the safety guidelines at the festival.

- The watchleute are trained to handle conflict situations with the public.

- The watchleute are responsible for closing the store and ensuring that all employees have left before leaving themselves.

以下是五个关于 watchleute 的中英文例句:

1. The watchleute are patrolling the building every hour to ensure that everything is well-protected.

(watchleute 每小时巡逻建筑物,确保所有东西都受到良好的保护。)

2. The company hired watchleute to monitor the parking lot for any suspicious activity.

(公司雇佣了 watchleute 监视停车场的任何可疑活动。)

3. The watchleute are responsible for checking bags and IDs at the entrance.

(watchleute 负责在入口检查行李和证件。)

4. The watchleute noticed a suspicious person near the entrance and alerted the police.

(watchleute 发现了入口附近的可疑人员并通知了。)

5. The watchleute are responsible for ensuring that all safety guidelines are followed at the festival.

(watchleute 负责确保节日活动遵守了所有安全指南。)


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