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embraces是什么意思 embraces的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-28 02:11:13
  • 197

embraces是什么意思 embraces的读音、翻译、用法

词义:embraces 意为 "拥抱" 或 "接受"。


词组搭配:embrace someone/something(拥抱某人/某物)、embrace a new idea(接受一个新的想法)

短语:embrace oneself(拥抱自己)



1. The mother embraces her child tightly.


2. She embraced her new role as a manager.


3. The company embraces diversity in its hiring practices.


4. The community embraces its cultural heritage.


5. I like to embrace my friends when I see them.


6. He embraced his girlfriend after not seeing her for a year.


7. The politician announced that he would embrace new policies for the betterment of society.



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