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being是什么意思 being的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-12 04:08:25
  • 15

being是什么意思 being的读音、翻译、用法

1. 定义:being可以指存在、生命、生物体等含义。一,在现代英语中,表示成为某物或某人。


- The being of the universe is a question that has puzzled scientists for centuries. (宇宙的存在是一个几百年来一直困扰着科学家的问题。)

- He was bitten by a strange being while hiking in the woods. (他在树林里行走时被一种奇怪的生物咬伤了。)

- Being a teacher has always been her dream. (成为一名老师一直是她的梦想。)

2. 主语:being也可以作为名词,表示任何实体或概念的存在。


- The being of God is a topic that has been debated by theologians for centuries. (上帝的存在是神学家们几个世纪以来争论的话题。)

- The artist wanted to capture the being of the city in his painting. (艺术家想要在他的画作中捕捉到这座城市的存在感。)

3. 形容词:being也可以被作为形容词使用,表示“存在的”、“现存的”或“真正的”等意义。


- His being in the room was confirmed by a witness. (有证人证实了他在房间里的存在。)

- The being condition of the building meant it was not safe to enter. (建筑物的现存状态意味着它不安全。)

4. 代替名词:being也可以被用作一个代替名词,通常用于避免重复或使句子更加简洁。


- She enjoyed being outdoors, whether she was hiking or just walking her dog. (她喜欢户外活动,无论是徒步旅行还是遛狗都可以。)

- Being a teacher, he knew how important education was to the future of the country. (作为一名教师,他知育对国家未来的重要性。)

5. 特殊用法:being也可以在某些特殊情况下使用,例如在“human being”中,表示“人类”的意思。


- The rights of every human being should be respected. (每个人类的权利应该得到尊重。)

- The human being is the only species on Earth with the ability to reason. (人类是地球上唯一具有推理能力的物种。)


1. The being of the universe is a question that has puzzled scientists for centuries. 长达数世纪来,宇宙的存在一直困扰着科学家们。

2. Being a teacher has always been her dream. 做个老师一直是她的梦想。

3. The artist wanted to capture the being of the city in his painting. 艺术家想要在他的画作中捕捉到这座城市的存在感。

4. His being in the room was confirmed by a witness. 有证人证实了他在房间里的存在。

5. The human being is the only species on Earth with the ability to reason. 人类是地球上唯一具有推理能力的物种。


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