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cernent是什么意思 cernent的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-13 12:32:15
  • 508

cernent是什么意思 cernent的读音、翻译、用法



cernent的常见搭配有:cernent oneself about/over,cernent with,cernent to等。


1. As a teacher, you should cernent about the progress of each student in your class.(作为一名教师,你应该关注班级中每个学生的进步。)

2. I cernent about your safety, so please be careful when you go out alone.(我关心你的安全,所以你一个人出门要小心。)

3. The company is cernenting with improving the quality of its products.(公司正在努力提高产品的质量。)

4. He cernents to do everything himself, without asking for help from others.(他喜欢自己干每件事情,不愿意向别人寻求帮助。)

5. She is constantly cernent over her expenses and tries to save money wherever she can.(她一直在关注自己的开支,并尽可能节约。)


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