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illiquid是什么意思 illiquid的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-16 07:26:55
  • 54

illiquid是什么意思 illiquid的读音、翻译、用法

1. 定义:illiquid表示一个资产或者财务市场缺乏流动性和交易性,即指难以转换为现金的资产。

2. 形成原因:资产的流动性通常取决于流动性提供者的意愿和市场状况。因此,某些因素,如市场恐慌、经济衰退、政策变革、信息不对称等可能导致资产变得不流动。

3. 影响:illiquid的资产通常难以售出,因此,它们的价值可能会下降,并可能导致市场不稳定。首先呢,投资者在投资这些资产的时候需要更高的回报率,以弥补其不稳定性和流动性不足的风险。


1. The real estate market may encounter a period of illiquidity if there is a sudden decrease in demand for properties.


2. Investing in illiquid assets comes with a higher risk, as it may take a long time to sell or trade them in the market.


3. Companies with illiquid stocks may face difficulties in raising funds or attracting investors, as investors may be hesitant to invest in stocks with low liquidity.


4. Hedge funds may invest in illiquid assets in order to achieve higher returns, but they must also be prepared to face the risks and challenges of holding such assets.


5. A bond with low trading volume and few buyers may be considered an illiquid bond, as it may be harder to sell in the market compared to a more liquid bond.



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