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puncturing是什么意思 puncturing的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-14 12:03:50
  • 981

puncturing是什么意思 puncturing的读音、翻译、用法

1. 定义:Puncturing是指刺破或打孔的过程,通常用于描述物体被刺穿或撕裂的情况。缩写词PCT也代表着临床试验过程(Clinical Trial Process)。

2. 用法:该词通常用于描述、刺伤、爆破等行为,也可用于描述某个人或组织意图打破某个人或事物的形象或信誉。

3. 同义词:pierce, punctuate, perforate, penetrate

4. 反义词:repair, reinforce, protect

5. 例句:

- The tire was punctured by a sharp object and had to be replaced.(轮胎被尖锐物刺穿,不得不更换。)

- The balloon burst when it was punctured with a needle.(气球被用针戳破后爆炸了。)

- The critic's review did not succeed in puncturing the artist's reputation.(评论家的评论没有成功否定艺术家的声誉。)

- The company's PR team spent weeks puncturing rumors and misinformation about the new product.(公司的公关团队花费了数周时间打破关于新产品的谣言和不实信息。)

- They are in the process of puncturing the latest clinical trial results.(他们正在审视最新的临床试验结果。)

1. Definition: Puncturing refers to the process of piercing or perforating, usually used to describe the situation where an object is penetrated or torn. The acronym PCT also represents the clinical trial process.

2. Usage: This word is typically used to describe actions such as needle puncture, stabbing, or explosion, and can also be used to describe someone or an organization's intent to break someone's or something's image or reputation.

3. Synonyms: pierce, punctuate, perforate, penetrate

4. Antonyms: repair, reinforce, protect

5. Example sentences:

- The tire was punctured by a sharp object and had to be replaced.

- The balloon burst when it was punctured with a needle.

- The critic's review did not succeed in puncturing the artist's reputation.

- The company's PR team spent weeks puncturing rumors and misinformation about the new product.

- They are in the process of puncturing the latest clinical trial results.


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