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meizi是什么意思 meizi的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-17 11:38:16
  • 218

meizi是什么意思 meizi的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词汇解析: 'meizi'在中文中的意思是美女,英文中的翻译为beauty,而在口语中,meizi也可以简称成MM(meaning girl),特别是在网络语言中。

2.文化背景: 'meizi'这个词源于中国的大众文化,是指那些长相好看的女性。在中国,美女是一种文化象征,而且被广泛地用于文学、电影和娱乐等领域。

3. 网络热词: 'meizi'也是一个网络热词,特别是在社交媒体和微博上,经常被用于描述那些让人眼前一亮的女性,或者是娱乐明星。


1. He fell in love with a beautiful meizi who he met at the bookstore yesterday.

2. The local beauty pageant was hosted last night and the winner was a stunning meizi.

3. The internet is full of meizi pictures and most of them are fake.

4. Jack can't focus on his study because his roommate keeps talking about meizi.

5. The young boy was shy to talk to the meizi in his class.


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