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buffoon是什么意思 buffoon的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-24 16:05:46
  • 90

buffoon是什么意思 buffoon的读音、翻译、用法

1. 意义:'buffoon'是一个名词,意为“滑稽可笑的人,丑角”,通常用于指表现得很愚蠢或者重现滑稽戏的人物。这个词语可以用来形容那些自我感觉很良好、自我陶醉的人,还可以用来描述那些不断讲笑话和取悦他人却没有真正实力的人。

2. 例句:

- That buffoon of a boss told me he expects me to work overtime again tonight!

- He acted like a complete buffoon, tripping over his own feet and spilling his drink on the floor.

- I don't know why anyone would take that buffoon seriously - he's always cracking terrible jokes and trying to be the center of attention.

3. 起源:'buffoon'这个单词最早源于16世纪意大利语中的“bufone”,意为“小丑”。在中世纪欧洲,'buffoon'常常是滑稽戏的主角,他们会设法逗乐观众,往往带有戏剧性的元素。这个单词在现代英语中仍然广泛使用,通常被用来形容一个行为愚蠢或者可笑的人。

4. 例句:

- The boss is a total buffoon, always ridiculous demands and never taking any responsibility.

- The comedian played the role of a buffoon in the new movie, drawing laughs from the audience with his clumsy antics.

- I can't believe I used to date that buffoon - he was always saying things that made me cringe.

5. 同义词:'buffoon'通常可以和一些其他的单词或短语互换使用,例如“clown”(小丑)、“jester”(皇室滑稽演员)或者“court jester”(宫廷小丑)。首先,“buffoon”也可以和其他用于形容愚蠢或者幼稚的人的词汇互换,例如“idiot”()、“fool”(傻瓜)或者“simpleton”()等等。

6. 例句:

- My coworkers are always laughing at the office buffoon, who never seems to realize how ridiculous he sounds.

- The court jester was an important part of medieval life, providing entertainment and comic relief to the otherwise serious atmosphere of the royal court.

- Don't be such a fool - you're going to hurt yourself if you try to jump off that roof!


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