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strategically是什么意思 strategically的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-06 15:08:23
  • 193

strategically是什么意思 strategically的读音、翻译、用法


1. 词性及含义


2. 用法


3. 同义词

'strategically'的同义词包括:tactically、strategically important、critical、pivotal等。

4. 反义词


5. 派生词



1. We need to think strategically about how to grow our business over the long term. (我们需要从长期的角度来战略性地思考如何发展业务。)

2. The company decided to invest strategically in emerging markets in order to expand its customer base. (公司决定战略性地在新兴市场投资,以扩大客户群。)

3. The country's military leaders are working strategically to counteract any potential threats from neighboring countries. (该国的军事正在战略性地努力应对邻国可能的威胁。)

4. The team's coach made some strategically important decisions during the game that helped them win. (队长在比赛中做出了一些战略性的重要决定,这帮助了他们赢得比赛。)

5. The company's strategic plan for the next five years focuses on expanding its international presence. (该公司未来五年的战略计划重点是扩大其国际影响力。)


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