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CriticalHit是什么意思 CriticalHit的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-05-03 08:54:36
  • 150

CriticalHit是什么意思 CriticalHit的读音、翻译、用法



词组搭配:critical hit rate(暴击率)、critical hit damage(暴击伤害)、land a critical hit(命中暴击)等。


发音拼写:/ˈkrɪtɪkəl hɪt/


1. The player landed a critical hit and defeated the boss quickly.(该玩家命中暴击,迅速打败了BOSS。)

2. A high critical hit rate can significantly increase the damage dealt in combat.(高的暴击率可以显著提高战斗中的伤害值。)

3. You need to focus on increasing your critical hit damage to deal more damage in battle.(你需要集中精力提高暴击伤害,以在战斗中造成更多的伤害。)

4. The enemy's critical hit was unexpected and dealt a heavy blow to our team.(敌人的暴击出人意料,对我们的队伍造成了严重打击。)

5. The critical hit system adds an element of luck and excitement to the game.(暴击系统为游戏增加了一种运气和刺激因素。)

6. With a high enough critical hit rate, even the toughest enemy can be taken down quickly.(有足够高的暴击率,即使是最强大的敌人也可以迅速被击败。)

7. The key to victory is to aim for critical hits and take advantage of them when they occur.(获胜的关键在于瞄准暴击,以及在暴击发生时占据优势。)


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