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deodeok是什么意思 deodeok的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-12 01:48:09
  • 95

deodeok是什么意思 deodeok的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词源及意义:deodeok(더덕)是韩语中的一个单词,指的是一种种植于韩国的野生植物,又称为“韩国山药”。在韩国,deodeok被视为一种健康食品,具有许多营养和健康益处。


- Deodeok is a wild vegetable that is native to Korea.

- I like to eat deodeok with spicy sauce.

- Many Korean people believe that deodeok can help to reduce inflammation and promote health.

- In Korea, deodeok is often used in traditional medicine to treat various illnesses.

- Korean cuisine features many delicious dishes made with deodeok.

2. 营养价值:deodeok富含膳食纤维、维生素、矿物质等营养元素,尤其是能够提供维生素C、A、B群、钙、磷等物质,有助于增强免疫力、改善口腔健康、促进肠道健康等。


- Deodeok is high in dietary fiber, which makes it good for digestion.

- Eating deodeok can help to boost your immunity and prevent sickness.

- Some people believe that deodeok can help to reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.

- Deodeok is a low-calorie food that is great for people who are trying to lose weight.

- If you're looking for a healthy snack, try deodeok chips!

3. 烹饪方法:deodeok可以煮、炒、腌制等多种方式食用,常常用于烹制韩国传统菜肴,如“deodeok gui”(烤韩国山药),“deodeok kimchi”(韩国山药泡菜)等。


- To prepare deodeok, first rinse it thoroughly and remove any dirt or debris.

- Roasted deodeok is a popular dish in Korea, often served with spicy sauce.

- You can also use deodeok in stir-fries or soups.

- Deodeok can be pickled in vinegar or soy sauce to make a tasty side dish.

- Deodeok can be sliced thinly and used as a topping for rice bowls or salads.

4. 全球影响:尽管deodeok是一种韩国特有的植物,但它还在其他亚洲国家,甚至在一些西方国家如美国、加拿大等得到越来越多的关注和欣赏,人们在把它作为一种新的超级食品。


- Korean food has become increasingly popular around the world, with dishes like deodeok gaining a following.

- Some health food stores in the US now carry deodeok products, like deodeok tea and supplements.

- Deodeok is a unique and flavorful ingredient that adds a special twist to many recipes.

- Global interest in deodeok has sparked research into its potential theutic benefits.

- Deodeok is an example of how traditional foods from different cultures can have a global impact.

5. 文化符号:deodeok的美食文化与传统文化紧密相连,在韩国,它是许多节日和庆典上的必备食品,也有不少传说和民俗故事与它相关联,例如“deodeok”、“deodeok守护神”等等。


- Deodeok is a key ingredient in many Korean holiday dishes, like the Lunar New Year soup “tteokguk”.

- In Korean folklore, it's said that deodeok can ward off evil spirits, which is why it's often featured in traditional decorations.

- Deodeok is also used in Korean traditional medicine, where it's believed to have a range of healing properties.

- Some Korean poets have written about the beauty and significance of deodeok in Korean culture.

- For many Koreans, deodeok is more than just a food - it's a symbol of their heritage and identity.


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