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remount是什么意思 remount的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-12 09:20:23
  • 108

remount是什么意思 remount的读音、翻译、用法



- remount depot 马匹补给站


- remount station 马匹调配站

- remount organization 马匹管理机构



1. 他迅速地换了一匹新马,重新上了马。

He quickly remounted on a fresh horse.

2. 时期,各方势力都需要不断补充士兵和马匹。

During the tumultuous times, all sides needed to constantly remount troops and horses.

3. 骑手受伤后,他重新上马继续比赛。

After the rider got injured, he remounted and continued the competition.

4. 战场上,士兵们需要尽快重新装备和上阵。

On the battlefield, soldiers need to remount and return to battle as soon as possible.

5. 他在比赛中落马,但幸运的是,他没有受伤,可以重新上马。

He fell off his horse during the competition, but luckily he was unharmed and able to remount.

6. 战争爆发后,开始加强马匹管理,确保需要时能及时调配。

After the outbreak of war, the government began to strengthen horse management to ensure timely remounting when needed.

7. 军营里有一个马匹补给站,为士兵们提供马匹换装和修理服务。

There is a remount depot in the military camp, providing soldiers with horse change and repair services.


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