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Younger是什么意思 Younger的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-20 03:24:28
  • 566

Younger是什么意思 Younger的读音、翻译、用法


1. 意思及使用场景: Younger 一词的字面意思是“更年轻的”,可以指某个人或者事物比另一个人或事物更年轻。这个单词可以用于各种语境,如描述年龄、工作经验、地位、等等。在英语中,Younger 也可以作为‘Yr’的缩写,通常用于日期或信件的抬头中。


- I am younger than my sister by two years. (我比姐姐年轻两岁。)

- The younger generation is more tech-savvy than the older generation.(年轻一代比老一辈更懂科技。)

- As the younger person in the company, he had to start at the bottom and work his way up.(作为公司里的年轻人,他从基层做起,然后一步步往上爬。)

- The letter was dated June 3rd, 2022, or 3/6/22 (yr). (这封信的日期是2022年6月3日,或者写作3/6/22 yr。)

- The event will be held on May 1st, 2023, or 1/5/23 (Yr). (这个活动将在2023年5月1日举行,或者写作1/5/23 Yr。)

2. 与其他词汇的搭配:Younger 通常与 other, older, youngest, eldest / older 等词语搭配使用。


- My younger brother is very different from my older brother. (我的弟弟和哥哥很不一样。)

- Mary is the youngest of all the siblings. (玛丽是所有兄弟姐妹中最小的。)

- He is the eldest of his siblings. (他是兄弟姐妹中最年长的一个。)

- I prefer older movies to newer ones. (我更喜欢旧电影而非新电影。)

3. 句型搭配:Younger 常常与比较级或最高级形式连用。


- My grades have gotten better since I started studying harder. (自从我开始努力学习,我的成绩变得更好了。)

- She is younger than her sister.(她比姐姐年轻。)

- The athletes in the younger age group were very talented. (年龄较小的运动员非常有才华。)

- Of all the siblings, the youngest was always the most spoiled.(在所有兄弟姐妹中,最小的总是被宠坏了。)

4. 含义的变化:Younger 可以有一些变化,如在形容词后面加上-ing 形式,可以表示“看起来更年轻”。


- She still looks young, despite her age. (尽管年龄已经不小了,但她还是看起来很年轻。)

- He sounded much younger on the phone than he did in person.(他在电话里听起来比见面时年轻得多。)

5. 常见用法:Younger 常常用于比较对象或者描述,或者在日期或信件抬头中缩写为“Yr”。


- The younger generation is much more outspoken about social issues.(年轻一代在社会问题上更加直言不讳。)

- Her younger sister is an accomplished pianist.(她的妹妹是一位技艺精湛的钢琴家。)

- Please send the package to the address provided by our client on September 12th, 2021 (Yr).(请将包裹寄到我们客户在2021年9月12日提供的地址(缩写为Yr)。)

总结:Younger 这个单词可以用于描述人或事物的年龄,也可以缩写为Yr 用于日期或信件抬头上。它常常用于比较或描述,或者与其他词汇搭配使用。


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